DHV Online-Seminar: How to become a Professor in Germany (in English) (August 2024)

9th August 2024|| 9:30 - 12:45 a.m. || online
"Appointment negotiations for Professorships at German Universities follow specific rules and require thorough preparation in order to achieve optimal results. The first part of this seminar gives an overview of the legal framework of appointment negotiations, for example the status of the professor, the framework for salary and bonuses, the starting package and other relevant legal aspects. In the second part of the seminar, the preparation of the negotiation and the development of an individual negotiation strategy will be addressed. This includes typical negotiation topics, the preparation of written negotiation documents as well as the explanation of the steps in the negotiation process from start to finish."

Course language: English

Participation fees
139 €

organized by the German University Association/ Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV)
For further infomation please visit the website of the DHV.

via the online formular of the DHV
