Online-Workshop: From Idea to Pitch

11th July 2024 || 10 am - 3.30 pm || online via Zoom
"You have been working on your research for a while, but haven’t figured out how to translate it into a concrete business idea? Or maybe you have many ideas and cannot decide which one to follow? Based on the Design Thinking methodology, you will try out different ideation techniques. You will learn what makes a good idea and how to formulate it for testing. The webinar prepares you for your next networking event, research presentation or elevator pitch. You learn and practise how to convince supporters or investors of your vision and personality. Develop your pitch storyline and receive feedback from our experts and an interdisciplinary team of peers, who are – like you – PhDs or Postdocs with the ambition to innovate. 



  • Understanding a problem as a basis for innovative ideation
  • Getting to know different brainstorming methods and test them
  • Generating, evaluating, and selecting ideas

Pitch Training

  • Introduction to building a convincing pitch
  • Creating & practising one’s own pitch
  • Pitch in front of an expert jury"

Workshop language: English
Deadline for registration: 8th July 2024

Participation fee
free of charge

organized by the Falling Walls Foundation in cooperation with serveral partner institutions
further information:

via the online form of the Falling Walls Foundation
